11. Go on a hike!


Well… in prep for my half-marathon on October 20 my friend and I decided to hike the route. 13.1 miles and 4.5 hrs. later we had succeeded!

Some random thoughts…

  • Even walking 13.1 miles is tough!
  • Bring and drink lots of water.
  • Stay loose.
  • An accountability partner is amazing.
  • For some reason I kept craving carbonation! (I rarely drink sodas as it is…)
  • Print out the route because cell phones die (womp, womp!)

I avoided major muscle fatigue by getting up the next day and moving around, not to mention lots of stretching! The night after the hike I slept in my compression recovery socks. This made all the difference. I went for a run on Monday and 1) felt great and 2) set my personal best.

*Make sure you consult a physician before starting any kind of training program, etc. I am not a personal trainer, exercise expert or doctor!